Samantha Anne

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NaNoWriMo 2020: You Should Go Ham This Year

Another November is upon us. And for most writers that means National Novel Writing Month is basically here. Some of us are rifling through pages and pages of notes, outlines, and photos relating to our NaNo project, some of us are only just picking out a designated notebook and a few smooth-writing pens. Maybe this is the biggest writing project of someone’s year, maybe this is just another work in progress, or maybe this is someone’s first time venturing into the writing marathon waters. Wherever this coming November sits on the spectrum for you, I think we should really consider going all in this year. Let’s all plan to attack National Novel Writing Month with all the gusto of a kid attacking his Halloween candy stash at the end of a night of trick or treating.

2020. Has Sucked. Enough.

Guys, this year has been rough enough. The entire world is burning, every major decision in our lives, in the world - it's all up in the air. There is, however, one thing we can count on: Art. From Culinary to Written Word, we know that if we envision something, and use the tools of our trade to create it, it will certainly stand there before us, ready to be enjoyed. And isn't that enough reason to put pen to paper? Whether you hit 50K or not, there isn't a whole lot more satisfying than seeing the fruits of your labor in front of you. 

Anyone else think of Practical Magic when they think of Louie L’Amour?

Now’s Your Chance To Get Distracted & Do Something Fun

Look, if it’s creating and practicing your art to get your head away from the lunacy for just a minute isn’t your thing, that’s all right. But to my fellow creatives, the best way to spread a little sunshine is through your art. Let yourself bask a little in that creative warmth and maybe share it with others too. Whether it’s meaningful, meant to invoke giggles, or a means of escape, I am willing to bet money that there is at least one person in your life who would sincerely love to see you putting your work out there.

So, this NaNoWriMo, if you’re writing, go ham. Crank out that epic. Create a series of short stories. Write 50,000 words of Haiku or other Poetry. Or sculpt a happily ever after that leaves all who read it warm and happy. Then have your protagonist defeat their antagonist in a way that makes you cheer. Let love win. Let goodness win. You can do it without fail when you’re the one telling the story.