Samantha Anne

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I’m Saying, Let A B*tch Live!

No links here, but I’m seeing tons of articles (as I’m sure you are too) that highlight things you shouldn’t be doing or keeping after the age of 30. There are some things out there that I can wholly agree with (stop apologizing for who you are, stop eating like a teenager, etc), but some leave me wondering “Who hurt you, my precious summer squash?”

I’m not looking to content shame the authors of these articles, but I am interested in offering a little support to the people - like me - still read comics, photograph toyscapes, keep a few Funko Pops in strategic places around the house, and/or create scenes with their Little People set of the cast of The Office (ahem). To that end, I’ve picked out a few of my favorites aka the ones that made me laugh incredulously the fastest.

So cue the title - I’m saying, let a bitch live!

No More Comic Books?

With all due respect: fuck. that.

Not only are comics as valid and popular a form of media as ever, but the television shows and movies coming out of the content have been, overall, spectacular. Yes, I’m over 40. Yes, I dig comic books and the movies and shows born from them. Am I still a grown up? Unfortunately. Now excuse me while I go read this first volume Ms. Marvel omnibus for the eleventh time.

Oh, hey - if you are into comics, check out The Comics Cube on YouTube. It’s run by an awesome human named Duy, and he loves having his friends on to talk smack and/or shop. (Psst. I am one of those friends.)

wHaT’s WiTh tHe toY pHoToGRapHy?

Really, nobody should have to explain or defend their enjoyment of stills of stormtroopers in various stages of battle, or staged talking head shots featuring tiny characters from The Office. There are certainly worse things in which to partake. (see: Dahmer the People Nommer)

That said, there are so many toy photography profiles on IG that I can’t even begin to recommend. I encourage you to grab a glass of wine and look some up. You can start with the hashtag #toyphotography - if you’ve got a sense of humor and an eye for the unique, I promise it’ll be worth it.

Funko Pops are fun. No, I’m not taking questions.

Listen. They just are. I’m the first to admit that they aren’t for everybody, but I’ll also tell you this: my kitchen wouldn’t be the same without my tiny Maleficent Funko and my bookshelf just wouldn’t feel right without my Ms. Marvel Funko (among others — cough, cough Hagrid/Hungarian Horntail combo that isn’t actually Funko but still amazing cough, cough — ). If you think I’m tossing these little bursts of fun so that you can feel like I’m a grown up, you can kiss the widest part of your own butt (good luck).

In Conclusion?

The world is on fire, ya’ll. As long as “your pleasure” doesn’t involve abuse, murder, oppression of any sort, racism, sexism… the list really is long, but you know what I mean… then live your best life and ignore these ridiculous articles that like making people feel like crap for being anything less than a full time bitter, angry, shit-spewing adult.